Explanations are meant to empower

Here on Girlsplained explanations on a range of many topics such as economics and sports can be found—allowing girls to learn without fear of judgment or condescension.

The patronizing and condescending act of mansplaining has been felt by every girl within their life

Having a topic explained to you as if you were a five-year old child by a man is a universal feeling for girls across the globe.Driven by the fear of being mansplained to, many girls at times are scared to ask questions about certain topics and often avoid learning about specific subjects altogether.

Girlsplained’s mission is to reverse this; By providing explanations through an empowering rather than patronizing manner, Girlsplained aims to uplift girls in an helpful and supportive fashion to educate girls everywhere on “intimidating” or complex topics without fear of judgment. Whether it be a summary of the stock-market, or a gossip-esque telling of a historical event,  fun, simple, yet factual explanations can be found here—written by girls, for girls. Here we celebrate knowledge rather than denounce the lack thereof 🙂

How it started

Hi! I’m a sixteen year old high school student who grew up as the youngest in a very worldly and witty household. Dinner conversations—rather than discussing the weather—would turn into debates about foreign political affairs, or into a conversation about the French Revolution. Being the youngest in my family (by at least five years) I always felt behind, and spent most discussions silent. I felt stupid for asking questions and instead would turn to YouTube and news outlets for information on anything and everything. As I continued to grow up, I learned more and more about topics such as economics, world events, and many many many (at times random) historical events. Talking to other girls my age, however, I learned that many of them never discussed these topics, instead they deemed topics such as stock markets “too complicated” and “too male-dominated”. I believe everyone is entitled to knowledge—whether the subjects are “complicated”/“male-dominated” or not. This led me to create Girlsplained—a blog where information is compiled and told in a simple, straightforward, yet factual way in order to empower girls through learning! Hope you find something interesting here!

From the Blog